EdTech news

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News about Educational Technology and eLearning

The impact of digital screens on education: learning from childhood to university

Discover how digital screens are revolutionizing education from childhood to university. Learn about the benefits of EdTech, including personalized learning, increased engagement, and access to vast educational resources. Explore how technology enhances collaboration, fosters critical skills, and supports sustainable learning. Stay ahead in the digital education era with expert insights and research-backed strategies. Read more now!

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LMS Use Cases: How Educational Institutions Can Benefit from iSpring Learn

If you’re thinking about implementing eLearning, don’t pass up an opportunity to know about the experience of other educational institutions who finished strong. Their key to success lies in a thoughtful approach combined with the use of a Learning Management System (LMS). Read this article to find out how to elevate knowledge delivery with a learning platform based on the example of the iSpring Learn LMS.

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How can technology boost the well-being of teachers and students?

New challenges have arisen in the field of education affecting both teachers and students. One of the greatest challenges of the past decade is, without a doubt, the pandemic. The uncertainty, anxiety, worry for loved ones, the lockdown and other measures have taken a toll on everybody’s emotional and mental health. Kids were stuck at home, away from peers, and teachers were struggling with half-baked remote learning solutions.

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Lisa Gray (PebblePad): "The design behind the learning or assessment opportunity is key for an excellent learning experience.".

"...So now is the time to learn the lessons from that experience, and further explore approaches that make the most of what digital can offer rooted in good learning and assessment design. To build connections, community and belonging, that best prepare students for their studies, and make space for the development and authentic assessment of broader skills that prepare learners for a 21st century workplace. "

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Interview with Prof. Josep Gallifa: "In the Universities, what we identified was not an unspecified fear of change, but different tensions that affected the possibility of transformation."

The massive increase of new technologies in the field of university level education has brought opportunities as well as challenges. As expected, this dramatic change of our educational scenario has caused not only internal distress, but also pedagogical wonders. Although the majority of universities show common needs, many factors come into consideration when it comes to implementing EdTech. In order to analyse all these questions, Higher Education and Full Human Development expert University Professor and Researcher Professor Josep Gallifa has agreed to hold an interview for us.

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New EdTech app helps kids stay healthy and happy

The EdTech app myphizz was developed by four teachers, turned entrepreneurs with the aim of improving the mental and physical wellbeing of pupils. Ever since it has gained significant momentum, furthermore it is endorsed by British Olympic sprinter, Adam Gemili.

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Is remote learning in Higher Education here to stay?

Online learning could be a defining feature of higher education in five years, according to a new Ipsos survey conducted for the World Economic Forum. As a second wave of COVID-19 saw cases resurging across the globe in October,” said the WEF’s website, “more than 27,500 adults in 29 countries were asked how they saw higher education being conducted in their country, five years from now.”

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Synchronous Learning vs. Asynchronous Learning: Different ways of learning online

In this article we are having a quick overview of what it means to learn Asynchronously vs. Synchronously, and the reason why Asynchronous Learning is becoming more and more popular nowadays.

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Recommendations for teachers to create a safe environment in the eLearning era

Before coronavirus is over, teachers should be familiarized with the technology that is commonly used by their students. Once technology is introduced in education, teachers have an added responsibility besides from maintaining the concentration of a complicated audience. They also need to ensure that students have an essential notion on how to keep all digital learning environments safe and confidential

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Interview with Anja Sisarica, from Inspera Assessment: “There has been a new appetite, not just for figuring out doing digital exams safely, but something far more human is at play”

In this interview, Anja explains how in the past months the company has noticed a significant increase in the interest among educational institutions to do remote and digital exams, what have been their main challenges and how they see the future of online assessment.

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Key Aspects of the European Commission's Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027

This plan is a wake up call to mobilize for better cooperation between European countries. The two main objectives are to learn from the coronavirus crisis where technology is being applied at a level never experienced before in training and education, and build education and training systems suited for the digital era.

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3 Common Mistakes Made During Online Teaching

The process to replace in-person teaching for online or distance teaching is not a simple task. The implementation of online teaching isn't only expensive, it is also highly time consuming. Let's have a look at the 3 common mistakes made during online teaching.

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Social learning theory: Bandura's 5 key steps of the learning process

In this article we have a brief look at the social learning theory by Bandura and we also gather the principal five steps that he assures to conform the learning process.

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Which Learning Model Will Schools Choose This Fall?

A new guide published in New America (2020), proposed 4 scenarios for how school will look like the next academic year, taking on account the actualized understanding of the coronavirus and health professionals' advice for reopening. In this article, you will find summaries of these 4 scenarios.

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Where Does Academic Integrity Stand In The Online Era?

The greatest and maybe the most startling change for many is to shift away from controlled and monitored on-campus exams. The necessity of physical distancing has led to the decision in many universities to partially suspend the use of face-to-face monitored evaluations of class work such as written and practical examinations.

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Simple and fun EdTech tools to make the most out of your class

Digital tools used by tech-savvy professionals can help students to create a more engaging online learning experience and make their current and future studies easier, more effective. In this article, we present different options and tools you can use in your classroom.

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Plans for school reopening: an international review

Experts are working against the clock to develop alternative solutions for a problem that concerns every student and parent. The Edtech Hub recently published a report documenting “An international review of plans for school reopening" that can help explain a broad spectrum of approaches to beginning of the academic year in high, middle and low-income countries.

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Global EdTech Market’s Development for the next few years

The overall Global Education and Training market size will decline because of a lower administrative cost. The key factors of this market shift are the deflation on education tuition, combined with cheaper/faster credible alternatives and digitization.

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Some important terms to be aware of in the use of technology in education

The application of technology in education is visible in most subject areas taught at educational institutions and places of learning: from elementary schools to universities and corporate training. Mathematics, science, and technology lend itself perfectly for the incorporation of various technology (EdTech) software into existing curriculums.

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Canvas LMS and Google Classroom integration: What advantages does it offer?

This summer Instructure developed and made public the integration of Google Assignments and Canvas Learning Management System. Google Assignments is an extra LTI application that provides teachers a quicker, easier way to give out, examine, and evaluate student work with the help of G Suite. At this moment in time, it's accessible for every Canvas user.

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