Some important terms to be aware of in the use of technology in education

The application of technology in education is visible in most subject areas taught at educational institutions and places of learning: from elementary schools to universities and corporate training. Mathematics, science, and technology lend itself perfectly for the incorporation of various technology (EdTech) software into existing curriculums. Within these environments, technology assists educators in presenting difficult concepts in a more student-friendly manner. Some of the terms associated with mathematics and science education are presented below. For more technological terms in education refer to EdTick's Glossary for educational technology and eLearning.

STEM in education

STEM is one of those abbreviations which is often tossed around. This is fine for educators within this niche area of education. Other individuals, including educators in other subject areas, are often left behind. The term simply comes from four subject areas. The S comes from science, the T comes from technology, the E comes from engineering and the M comes from mathematics. Simply put, STEM teaching incorporates each of the subjects mentioned above.

Robotics in education

There are many misconceptions concerning robotics. It is often thought of as the use of robots to perform activities formerly done by humans. This is true but the study of robotics goes far beyond this. It is also a great learning tool.

Robotics can be used to teach students theories and concepts in mathematics and engineering. The power lies in that it allows students to learn abstract information visually. It is therefore great for increasing the problem-solving skills of students.

Another great thing is that this field of study does not only include physical equipment. University and school going students can do a complete robotics course on their mobile devices. Courseware can include the programming of digital shapes and forms, often called sprites.


We often encounter the term e-learning and are not aware of what it means. People do not know that it includes online as well as in-class teaching.

Online Learning and Teaching

Online covers all teaching and learning which takes place in a virtual environment. Put differently, this kind of e-learning takes place on the internet. In many cases, teachers and students are often separated by huge distances. In many cases, the teacher could be situated in one continent, and teach students living in each of the other continents.

In-class Teaching

As the heading suggests, this type of e-learning occurs in a physical classroom. The e-learning extension comes from the fact that technology is used by a teacher while engaging with students. The kinds of technology which is used can come from a variety of sources. It may include the use of different kinds of software or hardware. Software is the different applications or programs which the teacher uses, while hardware includes all the different machines and apparatus which are utilized.

Simply put, e-learning encompasses the use of technology in the process of learning and teaching. Today, this approach is practiced in many schools and universities in many countries around the world.

As we move deeper into technology in the education age, words and terms are added to our vocabulary on a regular basis. It is important to keep learning these terms as they are introduced. If not, we can quickly lose track and feel illiterate in this rapidly moving area. To keep yourself up to date check out regularly EdTick's Glossary, Guides and News sections.

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